Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Analyzer allows you to detect text from within an image. The text is extracts recognized words and displays them into a readable format. You can analyze images to identify embedded text, generate character streams, and enable search. In addition to recognizing image text, the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Analyzer can detect and extract handwritten text from notes, letters, essays, whiteboards, forms, and many other sources. By taking photos of handwritten notes, you save time by eliminating the manual process of transcribing them, and by digitizing the handwritten notes, you can save to a database for simplified search capabilities. Functionality Click on existing image from the carousel Both image and handwritten text is detected and displayed in textbox Check back for new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Analyzer features and functionality.
Text Image Analyzer Caption: diagram | CONF (59.14%) Text Identified Sorry! Have a Oops! nice day! Bye! See you soon !